Martin @ Blog

software development and life.


Winter sale

Today I’ve decided to sell some useless stuff I own. Because we don’t have a very large house, our storage space is limited.
The following items are for sale:

My Canon Powershot Pro1 camera. This camera has 8Mpixels, 7 times optical zoom (28-200mm) and high-resolution LCD. You’ll get an 512MB Lexar 40x CF-card along with it and a LowePro camerabag. Only 500 euro!

My only x86 desktop system . AMD Atlhon 1,33GHz (Thunderbird core), 512MB PC133 SDRAM, MSI K7T TurboII (VIA KT133 chipset) mainboard, 80GB Maxtor 7200rpm harddisk, DVD-ROM drive, CD-RW-drive, Club3D GeForce 4 Ti4200 graphics card, Inwin Q500 full-tower case.
Only 300 euro!

I also have an Microsoft Natural Pro keyboard for sale and a Zipdrive including 3 zipdisc (the case of these disks are heavily damaged, but the discs are fully working and undamaged).

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