Martin @ Blog

software development and life.


Posts Tagged ‘utf-8’

Encoding in Scala interpreter

One of the nice things of Scala is the availability of a command line interpreter based on the REPL principle (Read-evaluate-print loop). Last week, for a particular project, I wanted to generate a string containing a part of the UTF-8 character table.
Thanks to Scala’s concise syntax, this would not be very difficult:

(0x20AC until 0x20B6).foreach { x => print(x.toChar + " ") }

This example will print characters 0x20AC (euro symbol) up to 0x20B6 (an unknown symbol to me 🙂 ).

However, the result I got on my system (Mac OS X 10.6.2 using Scala 2.8 nightly) was not really what I expected:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
